Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"now faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see." Heb. 11:1

My whole life I have wondered where I belong and who I am. I constantly question my social status and my personality because I want to know who I am. I am often asked what is wrong because I look sad. I finally figured out that nothing is wrong, quite the opposite actually. God has given me so much that I'm only beginning to scratch the surface of how blessed I really am.

On December 3, 2007, I turned my life over to God. I've never been a depressed kid or even thought that I was unlucky but at that moment, that single time in my life, it all hit me. Everything around me began to spin and it seemed like I had been thrown into some sort of animated movie. The colors of everything around me began to get brighter and everything began to make sense. From that moment on I decided that for the rest of my life, I will spread God's word. I went to dinner with Ryan Guard not too long after and shared my dream of being a pastor. For the rest of the night he swayed between being totally stoked for me and trying to scare me out of the thought. He told me it needed to be the only job I could ever imagine doing.

Since then I've been back and forth more than a ping pong ball during an intense match and yet nothing excites me more than sharing my savior. Lately I've been doing a lot of extra work in my graphic design class and my teacher is really pushing for me to pursue that as a career. I've been really into it and it has crossed my mind numerous times but no matter what, ministry is always in the back of my mind waving to me.

God definately has a plan for me, whether it be ministry or graphic design or water polo, the big man upstairs knows exactly whats going on! I've experienced just about every pastor Cornerstone has to offer and they all have some great things going through their minds and some crazy outlooks and I can't help but wish that it was me up on stage. I can picture myself up there walking around and jumping up and down and getting all into it and probably scaring the people that are listening to me a little bit but isn't that what it's all about? Isn't ministry about having an emotional connection to what you are sharing with the audience or even the 5 people watching and listening?


Christopher. said...

Now this is kevin

Breanna said...

It was cool meeting you too! You seem pretty cool :D I am excited to hang out too! I will definantly see you wednsday! Who ever finds eachother first gets 10 bucks deal? :D nice blog by the way...


Breanna said...

then write more and put some pics up, pics are always good :D so you play guitar huh! you any good? what kind do you have?

Jared said...

Hey bro it was awesome to meet you too! Hey email me at to chat. Do you have an email address? Its good to make friends at new churches i have a feeling that we will be good friends! Hey I'll see you on wendesday. Later!


Breanna said...

ha thanks I wouldn't say it was incrediable though! But thanks :D Thats really cool that you play bass too! I wish I could play bass :D so what else should I know about you! :D


Breanna said...

then you should know that I live in the stone age and don't have a phone! poop! what you gonna say now? :D


Breanna said...

just an email :D like I said stone age! I am on my email 24/7 any good?

Breanna said...

ha we will see how this works out :D nice pic! I emailed you


Breanna said...

the one at the top :D do you check your email alot?

Breanna said...

can I be a fellow blogger? :D

Breanna said...

ha I feel special :D
you and chris good friends? how bout we stop doing this comment thing and email.... I am sick of chekin my blog :D